RBKollors Team

RBKollors Team

Blog by RBKollors Team

Health History Form: the importance you need to put on this procedure

The health history form for permanent makeup procedures is a mandatory precondition for the professional to evaluate your client's health. 

This document - yes!!! We can consider it an official document - is elaborated with questions about factors that could interfere with the permanent makeup p...

28.06.23 03:42 PM - Comment(s)
RBKollors launches New Catalog for 2021! See and download now
RBKollors begins the year by launching a new catalog of colors and products for its customers, aiming to facilitate the purchase and complete presentation of all products.

Above all, RBKollors wanted optimized content, so the new RBKollors catalog has QR Code technology, where the customer can point ...
14.06.21 10:17 AM - Comment(s)
Having my eyebrows done was as important as the 50 surgeries I had
Transformation and micropigmentation - What would make a 35 year old woman be thrilled to see herself in the mirror after a PMU procedure? 
The answer is: the eyebrows made by specialist Jack Meneses.

Thalita Barroso, a resident of Brazil, had 70% of her body burned in a domestic accident when sh...
07.05.21 10:49 AM - Comment(s)
Areola reconstruction: how micropigmentation changes lives
The reconstruction of the areola or nipple reconstruction is one of the most delicate and profound works that a PMU artist can develop. It is beyond aesthetics and beauty. This type of procedure touches the client's heart and gives a new meaning to the woman's life after beating breast cancer.

'In 20...
07.05.21 10:49 AM - Comment(s)
Microblading and shadow: which pigments to use on blondes and redheads?
Which pigments to use on blondes and redheads? If you are a PMU artist, surely this question has already been asked. As RBKollors is the professional-friendly brand, today we will help you with this by giving you the best tips!

For knowing which pigment to use in blondes and redheads, you need to go ...
07.05.21 10:48 AM - Comment(s)
Micropigmentation on black skin: which colors to use?
More than 13.4% of the population of the United States are black as declared  by US Census Bureau. They are, according to the research, more than 43 millions. Then today we are going to give you some tips on how to make micropigmentation on black skin!

Something fundamental in micropigmenta...
07.05.21 10:48 AM - Comment(s)
Skin Line RBKollors: know the colors and see recipes for areolar micropigmentation
The Skin RBKollors Line was created thinking about the skin tones of men and women from all over the world to be used in areolar micropigmentation, paramedics, correction and mixtures that lighten colors.

Just like the pigments of the other RB lines, the colors of the Skin RBKollors Line have been ca...
07.05.21 10:48 AM - Comment(s)
Check the CIs of all RBKollors pigments

The Color Index, also known by its abbreviation, CI or CIs, is a sequence of five numbers that helps PMU artists to identify each color in a universal way. After receiving many requests, RBKollors fully discloses the CI of all the brand's colors.

Before knowing the CI of colors (available below) it i...
13.04.21 03:07 PM - Comment(s)
Did you know that RBKollors products are 100% vegan?
RBKollors products are vegan - Over time, companies, especially those working in the cosmetics and beauty industry, began to worry about the origin of the raw materials of their products and care for animal and human life at the time testing products.

This gave birth, therefore, to a new generation o...
10.12.20 03:51 PM - Comment(s)
Inorganic Line
RBKollors Inorganic Line has been a great success among micropigmentation professionals, bringing a new option of 100% Brazilian pigments to the market.

The 13 colors available on the RBKollors website were created by Renata Barcelli, mother of micropigmentation in Brazil and the composition remains ...
23.11.20 04:09 PM - Comment(s)
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